Catherine Faraday
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How Can I help you?


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Get back your Va-Va Voom!

Making changes to your diet and lifestyle with a qualified midlife nutrition and lifestyle practitioner is the solution you are looking for. Book your free call to get started.

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Want to know what others think?

Take a look at what some of my lovely clients have to say, or get in touch for more information on how I can support your individual health needs.

I understand how overwhelming health issues can feel, which is why I’ll be with you every step of the way.

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Are you fed up with yo-yo dieting and desperate to get off that diet treadmill and lose weight for good, without having to count sins or calories? Do you want to be free of pain, be clear-headed and have the energy to live your best life? You wake up feeling unrefreshed and just a bit blah. You have unexplained aches and pains, and you really don’t like what you see looking back at you in the mirror.  

It's common for women’s confidence in midlife to reach an all-time low. They feel anxious and overwhelmed and sleep goes out of the window! If any of the above resonates with you, and you feel you’ll never feel ‘NORMAL’ again, I get it, and you’re not on your own.  I can help.

I am a fully registered member of the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT), the professional body for Nutritional Therapists, and the Complimentary and Natural Health Council (CNHC). Find out more information about me and my background in nutritional therapy here.

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If you would like more information on how I can help, book a free 30 minute consultation using the calendar. We will have a no-obligation discussion about options surrounding your health and wellness journey, as well as the potential packages available to you.

Alternatively, if you are having trouble booking a consultation and have questions then please contact me and we can arrange a chat. For more details on how you can get in touch with me, click here.